
Bay SN, Arsham AM. 2022. Vision for Inclusive Conferences. [revised 2023 January]. Available from:

Isaacson RA, Bay SN, McCarty MM. 2020. Supporting the next generation of researchers: GENETICS peer review training program. Sci Ed. 43:77. doi: 10.36591/SE-D-4303-77

Bay SN, Long, AB, Caspary T. 2018. Disruption of the ciliary GTPase Arl13b suppresses Sonic Hedgehog overactivation in medulloblastoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(7):1570-75. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1706977115

Doppelt MC, Frischkorn K, Götz C, Kelly S, Quinn NF, Ockert I, Bell EA, Bay S, Jenney A. 2017. Science reads for the summer of '17. Science 356(6342):1004-1009. doi: 10.1126/science.aan3690

Goodman, III WH, et al. 2015. Assessing the Carcinogenic Potential of Low Dose Exposures to Chemical Mixtures in the Environment: The Challenge Ahead. Carcinogenesis 36 Suppl 1:S254-96. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgv039

Nahta R, Al-Mulla, F, Al-Temaimi R, Amedei A, Andrade-Vieira R, Bay SN, Brown D, Calaf GM, Castellino RC, Cohen-Solal KA, Colacci A, Cruickshanks N, Dent P, Di Fiore R, Forte S, Goldberg GS, Hamid RA, Krishnan H, Laird DW, Lasfar A, Marignani PA, Memeo L, Mondello C, Naus CC, Ponce-Cusi R, Raju J, Roy D, Roy R, Ryan E, Salem HK, Scovassi I, Singh N, Vaccari M, Vento R, Vondraček J, Wade M, Woodrick J, Bisson WH. 2015. Mechanisms by which cancer cells evade growth suppression and the potential molecular effects of selected environmental chemicals. Carcinogenesis 36 Suppl 1:S2-S18. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgv028

Rampey RA, Baldridge MT, Farrow D, Bay SN, Bartel B. 2013. Compensatory Mutations in Putative Metal Transporters Modulate Auxin Conjugate Responsiveness in Arabidopsis. G3 3(1):131-41. doi: 10.1534/g3.112.004655

Su C-Y, Bay SN, Mariani L, Hillman MJ, Caspary T. 2012. Temporal deletion of Arl13b reveals that a mispatterned neural tube corrects cell fate over time. Development 139(21):4062-71. doi: 10.1242/dev.082321

Bay SN, Caspary T. 2012. What are those cilia doing in the neural tube? Cilia 1(1):19. doi: 10.1186/2046-2530-1-19 review

Panels and Presentations

Mental Health Task Force Webinar | Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace: An Intro for Scholarly Publishers.” Society for Scholarly Publishing. 2024. Moderator and Coordinator

Mental Health Awareness Mondays — An Introduction to Psychological Safety.” Society for Scholarly Publishing. 2024. [panel write-up]

The Eugenics Movement and Scientific Racism–Past, Present, and Future.” The Allied Genetics Conference. 2024. Designer and Coordinator

“Approaching Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Scientific Society: Lessons Learned at GSA.” Society for Molecular Biology Annual Meeting. 2023. Invited Speaker

Podcast Appearances

Episode 253 – Lessons in Chemistry.” The Worst Bestsellers. 2024.

Episode 59 – A is for Alibi.” The Worst Bestsellers. 2016.

Episode 54 – R.L. Stine.” The Worst Bestsellers. 2016.

Episode 27 – Inferno.” The Worst Bestsellers. 2016.

Popular Science Activities

Rampage. Warner Bros. Pictures. 2017. Technical Advisor

“On the Importance of Model Organisms.” SAM Talks, Science Track, DragonCon. 2017. Presenter

“Re-Creating Captain America’s Super Soldier Serum.” Science Track, DragonCon. 2016. Co-Presenter