PhD, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Emory University, April 2017
BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Harding University, December 2009
BA, English, Harding University, December 2009
Summa Cum Laude
Honors College Graduate with Distinction
Journals Assistant Editor & GSA Programs Manager
Genetics Society of America, June 2017 to Present
• Handle initial quality control, including data policy compliance, for manuscripts submitted to GENETICS and G3 (~2500 manuscripts annually)
• Represent GENETICS and G3 at academic conferences
• Write posts for the GSA blog Genes to Genomes (24 posts to date)
• Edit posts for the GSA blog Genes to Genomes and other GSA communications (2-3 posts weekly)
• Provide editing and guidance on effective communication practices for Early Career Scientist leaders within GSA
• Co-manage GSA social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)
Science Writer
Genetics Society of America, June 2015 to May 2017
• Covered articles published in GENETICS and G3
• Wrote posts for the GSA blog Genes to Genomes
• Pitched ideas, researched topics, communicated with editors and authors, interviewed scientists
• Wrote press releases for wider news distribution
Doctoral Research, Emory University, 2011 to 2017
Department of Human Genetics, Mentor: Tamara Caspary
Research Area: Determining whether disruption of the cilia gene Arl13b can prevent tumor formation in a mouse model of activated-Smoothened medulloblastoma
Independent Undergraduate Research, Harding University, 2008 to 2009
Department of Biology, Mentor: Rebekah Rampey
Research Area: Using the yeast two-hybrid system to identify proteins that interact with the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor ILR3
Research Internship, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, 2008 and 2009
Division of Plant Biology, Mentors: Richard Dixon and Marina Naoumkina
Research Area: Attempting Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Medicago truncatula
Research Internship, Rice University, 2008
Department of BioSciences, Mentors: Bonnie Bartel and Rebekah Rampey
Research Area: Using the yeast two-hybrid system to identify proteins that interact with the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor ILR3
Research Student Mentor, Caspary Lab, Summer 2014 to Summer 2016
Audience: students performing research in the Caspary lab
Format: one-on-one teaching and hands-on training
• Mentored one undergraduate student and two graduate students
• Instructed students on topics relevant to Caspary lab research
• Supervised training in laboratory techniques and molecular biology assays
• Gave detailed feedback during the preparation of oral presentations
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Human Genetics, Fall 2011
Audience: senior-level undergraduate students
Format: lecture course with breakout discussion groups
• Led discussion sessions on primary literature
• Ran review sessions before exams
• Wrote and graded exam questions
PCR; quantitative RT-PCR; primer design; Western blotting; molecular cloning; yeast two-hybrid; forward genetic screens; fine dissection (mouse embryo, mouse brain, Drosophila larva); mouse genetics, handling, and husbandry; maintenance of Arabidopsis throughout its life cycle; Drosophila genetics and “fly pushing”, aseptic technique; tissue, cell, and explant culture; adenovirus propagation; lentivirus production and infection; histology; in situ hybridization; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; confocal microscopy; fluorescent microscopy
Sarah N. Bay, Jing Wen, Alyssa B. Long, Briana D. Brown, Robert C. Castellino, Tamara Caspary. 2016. Arl13b is a Novel Target for the Treatment of Medulloblastoma. The Allied Genetics Conference (Orlando, FL). second place poster winner
Sarah N. Bay, Robert C. Castellino, Tamara Caspary. 2015. Can deleting the ciliary gene Arl13b reduce medulloblastoma formation? FASEB SRC on The Biology of Cilia and Flagella (Snowmass Village, CO). poster
Sarah N. Bay, Robert C. Castellino, Tamara Caspary. 2014. Determining the Role of Arl13b in Activated-Smoothened Medulloblastoma Oncogenesis. Winship Scientific Research & Academic Development Symposium and Poster Session (Emory University, Atlanta, GA). poster
Sarah N. Bay, Robert C. Castellino, Tamara Caspary. 2014. Determining the Role of Arl13b in Activated-Smoothened Medulloblastoma Oncogenesis. Hedgehog 2014 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI). poster
Sarah N. Bay, Robert C. Castellino, Tamara Caspary. 2013. Determining the Role of Arl13b in Activated-Smoothened Medulloblastoma Oncogenesis. 54th Annual Short Course in Mammalian and Medical Genetics (Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME). poster
Sarah N. Bay, Robert C. Castellino, Tamara Caspary. 2013. Determining the Role of Arl13b in Activated-Smoothened Medulloblastoma Oncogenesis. Gordon Research Conference on Cilia and Mucociliary Interactions (Lucca (Barga), Italy). poster
Sarah Bay, David Farrow, Rebekah Rampey. 2009. Identifying Proteins that Interact with the Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor ILR3 in Arabidopsis thaliana using the Yeast Two-Hybrid System. Arkansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Fall Symposium (Fayetteville, AR). poster
Peer Reviewer, 2012 to 2016
• Provided reviews for papers submitted to: Developmental Biology (2016), Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (2016), Cilia (2016, 2012), The Journal of Neuroscience (2015), Human Molecular Genetics (2015), Developmental Biology (2014), PLoS ONE (2014), Journal of Cell Biology (2014), Science Signaling (2013)
Pre-Submission Editor
• Provided scientific and copy edits to colleagues’ in-progress grants and manuscripts
• Projects include Rutkowski et al. 2016. J Neurosci Res
• Reviewed a student grant for an inter-program grant writing course
Student Organizer, Genetics & Molecular Biology Program Retreat, 2014
• Designed and led science communication activities for graduate students and faculty at two retreats
• Organized and led a panel discussion on the state of biomedical research
Participant, GOT Science: GMB Outreach and Teaching Program, 2012 to 2015
• Planned and led science-themed activities for elementary school students
• Worked with students one-on-one and in groups to conduct activities and teach lessons
Consultant, Science Writers Association of Emory, Fall 2014
• Provided guidance on reporting structure and workflow to the organization as it prepared to relaunch after a lapse in activity
Editor in Chief, GDBBS Alumni Newsletter, Spring 2012 to Spring 2014
• Directed content for 4 issues that were circulated to 800 alumni
• Researched and wrote 3 articles
• Recruited and communicated with writers, assigned pieces, enforced deadlines
• Collaborated with the Creative Team and made layout decisions
Emory University Genetics and Molecular Biology Training Grant,
5T32MH087977-04, 2010 to 2012
Emory University Department of Human Genetics Training Grant, 5T32GM008490-19, 2012 to 2014
Harding University American Studies Institute Distinguished Student, 2009
Genetics Society of America, 2016 to present
National Association of Science Writers, 2016 to present
updated March 21, 2018